Achievements & Whereabouts

Schosers have conquered the world. But where exactly are they? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Schosers have also been at the forefront of many revolutionary discoveries and achievements. Whether in sports, science, business, arts or nonsense, Schosers have the potential to excel. See this unique collection of evidence of Schosers' whereabouts and achievements!

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Game, set and match to Schoser!

Since 2015, the three tennis clubs of Burladingen organise together an annual youth tennis tournament. It takes place on Ascension Day which in 2017 was 28 May and was a particularly hot day.

Youth champion Daniel Schoser in the middle
Braving the heat it was Daniel Schoser who won the tournament and became 'youth city champion'. Already in the previous year, he won the competition in the category for under 12-year old boys (U12). It was also in 2016 that Marian and Fabian Schoser took part in this tournament. Fabian finished third in the U12 category and Marian finished runner-up among the older boys.

Rather than awarding any cups or medals as in previous years, the organisers decided this year to hand out to the winners original towels from Wimbledon.