Achievements & Whereabouts

Schosers have conquered the world. But where exactly are they? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Schosers have also been at the forefront of many revolutionary discoveries and achievements. Whether in sports, science, business, arts or nonsense, Schosers have the potential to excel. See this unique collection of evidence of Schosers' whereabouts and achievements!

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Tough job in tough times

While the world was at war, Bill Schoser worked as coal miner in the 'Rocky Mountain Fuel Company' operating coal mines e.g. in Superior, Lafayette and Louisville, all Colorado. The latter also being Bill’s home town where he married Louise Schoser in 1947. The company was severely impacted by the Great Depression, declining productivity of local coal deposits and the increased popularity of natural gas and went bankrupt in 1944.
The photo is archived in the Lafayette Public Library and shows in total 37 miners posed in working clothes beside mine building in Superior on 17 August 1942. Unfortunately, it is not reported who of them was Bill Schoser.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


Once a year in October, Trochtelfingen hosts the 'Stöckles-Cup', a Nordic Walking competition. 'Stöckles' refers to the sticks used in Nordic Walking.
During the latest edition in 2009, Schosers gained prominence not only through their individual participation, they also organised the largest participating team: the team 'Schoser-Miteinander-Füreinander' ('Schoser-with and for each other') gathering 104 out of the total of 530 participants. According to the rules of 'Stöckles-Cup', this made team Schoser win this competition and, moreover, constituted a new record team size.
On an individual level, Valentina Schoser covered the middle distance of 12 km while Ellen, Bernhard and Vincent walked the maximum distance of 16 km. Next chance to take part is on 17 October 2010.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Rhythm in their blood

Playing music seems to be a passion of the Schosers of Burladingen. No less than five Schosers are members of the local music ensemble. Katrin and Melanie play the bassoon, Heike the flute and Frank and Elmar blow the horn. Elmar has also taken responsibilities as the official ‘minute taker’ in the board of the ensemble.
In total, the ensemble consists of 124 active musicians (on 1 January 2008) who thus help to keep up the long-standing tradition of the ensemble which goes back to the mid 19th century. Next on the agenda is their concert at the St. Fidelis parish festival in Burladingen on 20 September 2009.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Where the name has no street

Surely, you would expect to find somewhere in the world a street having 'Schoser' in its name. However, it seems this is not quite yet the case. Forbach in France hosts a 'rue Schoeser' which sometimes seems to be misspelled as 'rue Schoser'. Anyway, judging from the satellite picture, this street isn't really the Champs Elysées. It is 500m long and appears to be squeezed in between a football ground and an industrial site. Schosers would seem to deserve a better treatment... 

Monday, 31 August 2009

The votes have been counted...

The municipality elections in Cologne/ Köln are over and Martin has indeed secured his seat in the city council. He obtained a relative majority in Cologne's Lindenthal I district with an impressive margin of 10.5% ahead of his closest contender. Martin scored 34.71% corresponding to a total of 4092 votes. His score is thus about seven percentage points higher than the average score for his party in Cologne.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Vote 'Schoser'!

30 August 2009 is the day to vote 'Schoser'! Martin is running for reelection to his mandate in the city council of Cologne/ Köln. It would be his third term. The streets in his election district in Cologne are covered with his campaign picture. How could it then possibly go wrong?

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

In Einstein's footsteps

It turns out there is another Schoser holding a patent. Jürgen from Traunreut, Bavaria together with two other inventors filed a patent application for a 'position measurement device' in the US on 9 February 2006. The patent no. 7348546 was granted about two years later on 25 March 2008. 

Jürgen holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Stuttgart in which he appears to follow in Einstein's footsteps: The title of his thesis is "Generation of a Bose-Einstein-condensate in a strongly anisotropic magnetic trap". It was published in 2004 and is still available online for free:

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Patent genius

Schosers are undoutedly ingenious. Consider Siegmar of Wald near Messkirch, Germany. Together with three others, he holds a patent on a ‘rotating device for plasma immersion supported treatment of substrates'. The patent was filed on 9 September 1999 and finally issued on 10 December 2002 with the United States Patent number 6490993. It is assigned to the Robert Bosch company. The patent drawing and the patent description explain the uniqueness and use of the devise. Those who still cannot figure out what the invention is about are requested to address themselves directly to the inventor…

Sunday, 28 June 2009

A bond of love

Christopher Street in the Greenwich Village neighbourhood of New York City became famous 40 years ago in the early hours of 28 June 1969. On that day, for the first time in American history, violent demonstrations took place against a police raid targeted at the gay community, more particularly at a gay bar situated in that street.

While the situation for gays has generally improved a lot since then, some issues such as gay marriage continue to be highly controversial not least in the United States. This has led gay couples to search for other forms of expression to 'tie the knot' and tell the world about it.

Gretchen Schoser and Cheryl Dubois from Florida chose to register with the International Commitment Ceremony Registrar. It serves as a public and permanent historical record of commitment ceremonies that have been performed all over the world. Gretchen's and Cheryl's commitment ceremony took place on 27 July 1999 in Miami Beach, Florida and will stay on the record 'as a monument to their love'.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Tagliatelle di Semola al Limone

Ab jetzt gibt es italienische Feinkost

Donauwörth (rebe) - Ob Tagliatelle di Semola al Limone, Salame al Barolo, würziger Parmesan und vieles mehr. Die erlesene Auswahl hochwertiger, italienische Feinkostprodukte begeisterte - sehr zur Freude der beiden Geschäftsführer Joachim Schoser (2. v. r.) und Markus Bongartz - bei der Eröffnung von „Via del Gusto“, der Straße des guten Geschmacks, die Gäste.

Bislang wurden bereits zahlreiche Kunden in ganz Deutschland mit den Delikatessen beliefert, jetzt können die Feinschmecker im Geschäft in Riedlingen Pasta, Wein, Wurst, Käse und vieles mehr ganz nach Herzenslaune einkaufen.

Sowohl Oberbürgermeister Armin Neudert als auch Robert J. Ebner, Vorsitzender der CID, freuten sich in ihren sehr herzlich gehaltenen Reden darüber, dass mit „Via del Gusto“ eine echte Bereicherung für Donauwörth entstanden sei. Auch die Unterstützer des Projektes wie Florian Britzlmeier oder Ludwig Ehnle von der Brauerei Lauterbach waren bei der Eröffnungsfeier vor Ort.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Mechtild Wagner (Schoser)

Mechtild Wagner (Schoser) of Trochtelfingen died on Good Friday, 10 April 2009 at her home. She was 78. Mrs Wagner was born on Easter Sunday, 17 April 1930, in Trochtelfingen, the third child of Gustav sen. and Maria Schoser. She was an apprentice in clothing boutiques in the towns of Singen and Freiburg. Later, she worked in the clothing boutique of her parents in Trochtelfingen. She married Hermann Wagner in 1969. The two moved to Bad Schussenried in 1979 where they ran a clothing boutique of their own. In 1989, they retired and returned to Trochtelfingen. 
The Wagners had no children. Mrs Wagner was preceded in death by her husband in 1999. Mrs Wagner is remembered by her family for her good sense of humor, her love for traveling and gardening. Mrs Wagner is survived by her brothers Gustav Jr., Hans and Franz and their spouses. She also is survived by her nine nephews, four nieces and their families. A memorial service took place in St Martin in Trochtelfingen on 15 April 2009.