Achievements & Whereabouts

Schosers have conquered the world. But where exactly are they? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Schosers have also been at the forefront of many revolutionary discoveries and achievements. Whether in sports, science, business, arts or nonsense, Schosers have the potential to excel. See this unique collection of evidence of Schosers' whereabouts and achievements!

Guest book

If you have any suggestions, comments, questions, complaints, corrections, additions or anything else to say about this blog, this is the place to write it down!


Anonymous said...

Hi Christof,

My great-great-great grandfather was Vincent Schoser, who was born around 1845 in "Hohenzollern" and immigrated to the US around 1870-71. Have you ever come across any information on him?

Great work with the blog!

Christof said...

Hi there,

Unfortunately, I do not know of any Vincent Schoser born around 1845. He could be related to the following Schoser family ( who has lived in Trochtelfingen/ Hohenzollern for at least 300 years. The tree however includes only direct ancestors and no sons, daughters etc. who moved away.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Christof. Do you have any ideas about who I could contact to try to dig up some information on Vincent, such as birth records? Are there any government offices/churches locally that might have that kind of information?

Thank you,

Christof said...

Dear Anthony,

My best guess is the local parish register of St Martin. It is not digitised however and needs to be consulted on site (contact details at For Hohenzollern, an overview of parish registers can be found in the article "Verzeichnis der Kirchenbücher Hohenzollerns" by Franz Haug published in "Hohenzollerische Jahreshefte", Vol. 8 (1941, ed. 1949).

Good luck!

MS said...

This blog is amazing!! I am a proud Schoser, Michelle Schoser in fact. I think this is so cool that you are doing this. Keep it up :)

Christof said...

Hi Michelle,
Thanks for your encouraging words! I am glad you like the blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I must ask; since most of my family is already on here, just not me, how would I get on? I happen to be a Schoser!

Christof said...

Hello! Thanks for your interest and a warm welcome to the Schoser 'community'!! I am more than happy to add you to the blog! Probably best if you get in touch with me via the e-mail address under my profile (see bottom right) Best, Christof

Unknown said...

I am a proud Schoser and I am mentioned in this blog numerous time as well as my brother! Very cool to know there are more Schosers out there doing big things.