Achievements & Whereabouts

Schosers have conquered the world. But where exactly are they? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Schosers have also been at the forefront of many revolutionary discoveries and achievements. Whether in sports, science, business, arts or nonsense, Schosers have the potential to excel. See this unique collection of evidence of Schosers' whereabouts and achievements!

Friday 28 November 2008

A sportive crowd

en route en Forêt de Soignes
Schosers are a sportive crowd. In particular, they like running. John Schoser from Evanston, Illinois prefers the short distances up to 10K. In 2008, he participated in seven such runs. Joe Schoser from Henderson, Nevada seems to be specialised in half-marathons which he finishes in less than two hours. It so happened in March 2007 at the Las Vegas Half-Marathon and in December 2006 at the Six Tunnels Half-Marathon on an old railroad track near Las Vegas. Christof recently took part in a Ultra Trail Miles Marathon in the Forêt de Soignes and finished the 22K part also in just under two hours.
Finally, Achim and Susanne Schoser from Owen, Germany can claim to have covered the longest distance. Both took part in the 1st Albtrauf-Marathon 2008 over a distance of 55K and an elevation gain of 1150m. It should however be mentioned that they were on mountain bikes...