According to the Hebrew bible, Methuselah was 969 years old when he died. He is the oldest person mentioned in the bible and has become the symbol of longevity. Schosers have not quite yet reached such biblical age, but two Schosers - with the biblical names Mary and Josef - are almost centenarians.
Methuselah - the oldest living tree |
Mary Alice was born on 23 September 1905 in Durango, Colorado and
died there on 6 September 2001 at the age of almost 96. She was the eldest of six children of Dora and
Ludwig Schoser. She married Elmer Schumacher in October 1924 at the age of 19. The couple had three children and their marriage lasted 44 years until Elmer died in November 1968.
The longest living male Schoser appears to be Josef Schoser of Friedrichshafen. He turned
95 years on 27 September 2008. The local Südkurier mentions him also as one of the
oldest participants in the local music festival in September 2008. If still alive Josef would now be 97 years old and the longest living Schoser ever recorded. Knowing that the region around Lake Constance where Friedrichshafen is situated is famous for its favourable and mild climate there is a chance that he is.