There is also quite some variation in lifetime: 71 of the Schosers mentioned are still alive today, 29 deceased. Of the latter, twelve were born as early as in the 19th century. Of those, ten lived to see the 20th century. In contrast, eight passed away as recently as during the past decade.
In terms of nationality, 38 are US American, the remainder German. This abstracts from some borderline cases where Schosers for example kept their nationality - at least for some time - after immigration.
In terms of names, there is less variation than may be expected: Five names are shared by two Schosers each: Frank, Gustav, Joachim, John and Josef. In some of these cases, the tradition of passing on the father's or grandfather's name seems to have been at play.
Allowing for some linguistic variation, it becomes even more apparent that some names are particularly popular among Schosers: Mary/ Maria/ Marianna, John/ Johannes/ Hans, Karin/ Katrin/ Katharina, Joe/ Joseph/ Josef and Carl/ Karl/ Carol. Needless to say where many Schosers got their inspiration from when christening...