Achievements & Whereabouts

Schosers have conquered the world. But where exactly are they? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Schosers have also been at the forefront of many revolutionary discoveries and achievements. Whether in sports, science, business, arts or nonsense, Schosers have the potential to excel. See this unique collection of evidence of Schosers' whereabouts and achievements!

Sunday 10 October 2010

Girl power

In their free time, Schosers engage in all sorts of voluntary activities. This seems particularly true for female Schosers.

Sonja Schoser has a soft spot for another dog breed. She is member of the association of German shepherds. In the Mägerkingen section of this association she is 'breeding warden' giving advice on how to rear and breed these dogs.

Simone Schoser takes an active role in Spatzennetz, a parent association running a number of nursery groups and family activities in Tettnang. The association was founded by parents in need of child care not provided for by the authorities. Since 2009, Simone has been member of Spatzennest's management team with responsibility for festivities.

Angelika Schoser makes regular blood donations. In November 2008, she was honoured by the mayor of Burladingen for having donated for the 25th time. Afterwards, all regular blood donors were invited to re-liquefy their blood and have a glass of Champagne.

Reflection before action?
During the school year 2009/10, Luzia Schoser has served as student representative of the senior classes at her school Augustinerschule Friedberg. In spite of the responsibilities which come with this office, she and her fellow representatives still seem to have time for reflection. Moreover, Luzia seems to devote some of her free time to the baking 'Pfitzauf', a Swabian speciality resembling muffins, hopefully also to the benefit of others...

Uta Schoser is one of about 200 volunteers visiting families with newborns. In the first year of this campaign of the City of Cologne, the mother of six made already about 40 of such 'children-welcome-visits' to support the families and pass on her own experience. Part of Uta's motivation is her joy to get to see the babies.

Daria Schoser is one of 25 students at Apostelgymnasium in Cologne trained to apply first aid to other students. For those interested, the school plans to extend the qualification to the prevention of mobbing and acts of violence, a programme called 'Fit in Fair Play'.

Finally, Edith Schoser has for more than twenty years served as volunteer at the telephone help line of the Catholic Church Cologne. The line is meant for people in need or those just feeling lonely and looking for someone to talk to.