Achievements & Whereabouts

Schosers have conquered the world. But where exactly are they? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Schosers have also been at the forefront of many revolutionary discoveries and achievements. Whether in sports, science, business, arts or nonsense, Schosers have the potential to excel. See this unique collection of evidence of Schosers' whereabouts and achievements!

Monday 5 September 2011

Bavaria's pearl

The tourist information of the Bavarian town of Donauwörth displays a remarkable creativity in branding its city:  'ancient free imperial city', 'Bavaria's pearl on the banks of the Danube' or 'North Swabia's friendly center'. It also offers no less than 35 different guided tours and excursions to discover the historic, artistic and natural treasures in and around Donauwörth. Top of the list are a visit of the cathedral tower and a boat tour on the Danube which, after all, is Europe's second longest river even if it is still pretty small in Donauwörth.
Daniela Schoser is member of the team working at Donauwörth's Tourist Information and organising guided tours and excursions. Apart from the 35 standardised tours, she can also help to adapt the programme to the individual needs and wishes of the visitors, for example separate tours for men and women or advice on the local gastronomy. Hence, visitors wanting to spend their time drinking a few pints in a typical Bavarian biergarten can at least make an educated choice.