"If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you've experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. Essential oils provide plants with protection against environmental threats and play a role in plant pollination."

Gretchen Schoser has become an independent wellness advocate for dōTERRA's essential oils. On her dedicated Facebook page, she tells about her own experience with the oils:
"I started using oils when I got tired of going to the doctor for every ache and pain. A couple of months ago I had a really bad cold and two days after using my Oils my cold was gone, no antibiotics, no poison in my system.
I swear by my oils and the doTERRA products, I have used cheaper brands and not had the results that I have with the doTERRA oils.
There are so many awesome things you can do with the oils, you can make shower bombs, make shampoo, soap, foot and hand salve, anti itch spray. The oils last for a long time and not only do they make you feel better but they are also better for you."