Schosers in Burladingen have already previously attracted our attention as having '
rhythm in their blood'. As reported back in 2009, no less than four Schosers were then members of Burladingen's local musical ensemble.
The passion and talent for music seems to have been passed on to the next generation. Once again, no less than four Schosers participated in a concert of the youth music school Burladingen in the Hörschwag community centre on Sunday, 19 November 2017.

Fabian and Valentin Schoser were part of the trumpet ensemble that opened the concert. Marian and Daniel Schoser joined the two and others as part of the brass ensemble that played 'First Performance' and 'Swing Low Sweet Chariot' later on. Marian played the trombone and Daniel the euphonium. Needless to say that the performance was met with thunderous applause as
Südwest Presse reports.