"The flower season simply started later this year."As typical plant for balconies, geraniums were most popular. Due to their rather easy handling they appeal particulary to newcomers who may not have cared so much about their window view before being confined to work from home. Finally, Michael notes that the pandemic may have a lasting positive effect on the flower wholesale business. Retail customers have appreciated the value of the local sourcing of flowers and have turned increasingly to the regional wholesale markets.
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Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Flower Power
When the corona pandemic hit in early 2020, the unthinkable happened: Numerous governments ordered a general lockdown of retail businesses. In Germany, as of 23 March, restaurants, bars and non-essential shops had to close for several weeks. Especially businesses dealing with perishable goods were severely affected. Notably, the flower industry faced serious difficulties as flower shops had to close at the beginning of the spring season and millions of flowers had to be distroyed.
It was not until several weeks later that the industry discovered that there was also a positive side to the crisis. With people spending more time at home, they started caring more about their gardens and balconies. As the garden magazin for professionals TASPO noted in July, flower sales picked up again and flower storages emptied at a breathtaking pace.
In an interview with TASPO, Michael Schoser reported from his experience as head of the flower wholesale market in Frankfurt.