Achievements & Whereabouts

Schosers have conquered the world. But where exactly are they? Where have they come from? Where are they going? Schosers have also been at the forefront of many revolutionary discoveries and achievements. Whether in sports, science, business, arts or nonsense, Schosers have the potential to excel. See this unique collection of evidence of Schosers' whereabouts and achievements!

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Storm in a teecup


Pfarrer aus Köln-Lindenthal an den Pranger gestellt

Eines der diffamierenden Plakate im Stadtwald

„Tebartz van Köln“: Auf diffamierenden Plakaten im Stadtwald und in Lindenthal wird Pfarrer Thomas Iking von St. Stephan anonym bezichtigt, sich bereichert zu haben. Der 56-Jährige hat Strafanzeige gestellt. Von Bettina Janecek

Lindenthal. „Wir sind entsetzt, bestürzt, beleidigt.“ Franz Schoser vom Kirchenvorstand der katholischen Lindenthaler Gemeinde St. Stephan macht aus seiner Empörung keinen Hehl. „Das sind Latrinen-Parolen, die jeder Grundlage entbehren.“ Der Stein des Anstoßes sind diffamierende Plakate, die im Stadtwald und auf Straßen im Viertel aufgehängt wurden und den leitenden Pfarrer von St. Stephan, Thomas Iking, öffentlich an den Pranger stellen. 

Monday, 11 August 2014

Welcome Colston!

Colsten with grandma Patricia
Welcome to a new member of the Schoser clan!

Colston was born on August 11, 2014 in Durango, Colorado to Elizabeth Valenzuela and Chase Schoser.

Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder
To get started, Colston's mum and dad have drawn up a baby registry at Amazon Baby. Lots of useful and original items on their wish list!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

A beach wedding - "Dress to impress"

Tiffany Schoser & Rory Jaret
10 August 2014

The Ceremony

The Cliff
577 South Coast Highway
Laguna Beach, CA 92651


The attire for the wedding is Beach Formal, and our colors are coral and aqua.
"What Do I Wear?" Because we want to make sure you're not baffled...
This suggests an elegant beach wedding -- so dress to impress, but also dress for the elements (sun, sand, and water). Anything you'd wear to a nice restaurant on a summer day is appropriate.
  • He should wear: A summer suit with a linen shirt (no ties required), linen pants or khakis, and sandals.
  • She should wear: A formal summer sundress at tea - or knee-length with flat sandals.
Ladies, leave your stilettos at home! Although we won't be down on the beach, you can save your feet the pain of beauty and wear wedges or strappy flats. Also, don't forget to bring a light scarf or wrap for post-ceremony to keep warm.

**No jeans, please! Also, please note that both the ceremony and reception will take place outside.

Source: The knot

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

"In honor of Billie, please wear jeans and cowboy boots"

Billie McBride Schoser passed from this life on July 31, 2014. She was born to Robert Eugene Lambson and Mildred Jewel Crockett on December 30, 1941 in Roswell, New Mexico. She grew up in Albuquerque graduating from Valley High School and later attended Brigham Young University. She married Richard McBride in 1961 and they reared their six children in El Paso, Texas. She later obtained her nursing degree and worked as a home health nurse in Meeker and Rifle, Colorado.

Music was always an important part of her home. Billie had a beautiful soprano voice and involved her children in community theatre and school bands. She taught piano lessons to dozens of neighborhood children. As a young woman, she performed in the Sweet Adelines women's barbershop organization and later in life sang with Gilpin County's Peak-to-Peak Chorale. She loved country western dancing. She also loved attending the activities and sporting events of her children and grandchildren. In 1998 she married Charles Schoser and moved to Coal Creek Canyon. She was never more at peace than when she was in her beloved home in the Rocky Mountain foothills. Billie took great pride in her southwestern roots. Her grandfather had organized the first national Indian Ceremonial at Gallup, New Mexico. The many who attended her holiday gatherings felt of her love for music, family, and friends.

She is survived by 3 siblings: Jack Lambson and Anita Liston of New Mexico and Joel Lambson of Arizona. One brother, Robert Lambson, preceded her in death. She is also survived by her six children: Melinda (Garry) Allen, Natalie (Lonny) Jacobson, Joel (Morgan) McBride, all of Colorado; Lorelei (Nathan) Hale of New Mexico, Aaron (Tonya) McBride of Tennessee, and Adam (Brenda) McBride of Pennsylvania. She has been blessed with 16 grandchildren.

A celebration of her life will be held on Wednesday, August 6 at 10 AM at East Park at Interlocken. In honor of Billie, please wear jeans and cowboy boots if you have them. Directions: The park is located at the intersection Interlocken Parkway and Interlocken Boulevard. From Hwy 128, turn north on Interlocken Parkway or Interlocken Boulevard and the park will be on the north side of the street.

In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Peak-to-Peak Chorale c/o of Ann Wyss, P.O. Box 669 Pinecliffe, CO 80471.

Source: Dignity Memorial

Friday, 1 August 2014

The lawyer

Name: Joseph R Schoser
Status: In Good Standing
Licensed: 5 years
Law School: Willamette University, Oregon
  • 302 Washington St
  • # 213
  • San Diego, CA 92103
Education: School / Degree / Major
  • Willamette Univ. College of Law, OR / -- / Law School
  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas NV / Bachelor / --
Admissions: California 2010
Service Type: General
Status History:
  • CA: Present Active;
  • CA: 6/2/2010 Admitted to The State Bar of California
Additional Info: District: District 4

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

In the world champs' footsteps

Just a few days after Germany won the football world cup, Daniel and Valentin Schoser have taken part in the national athletics day at their primary school in Burladingen. The competition consisted of long jump, 50 meters and rounders.

While about half of the 208 participating pupils scored sufficient points to obtain gold or silver certificates, Valentin and Daniel went even beyond and finished best in their respective gender and age groups (*2005 and *2006). Moreover, Daniel scored most points of all participating boys and is therefore the boys' school champion. 

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

News flash: Trochtelfingen under heavy construction

Andreas Schoser reports directly from his holidays in Trochtelfingen - the craddle of the populous Swabian Schoser clan: the small town is currently under heavy construction. Heavy machinery is tearing up the tar surface of the main street to renew the underground sewage system and to eventually replace the surface with traditional cobble stones. Works will go on from July to October putting a heavy strain on holiday makers and Trochtelfingers not used to this noise level.

Similar works have already been carried out in the 'fishermen's quarter' and along the Seckach stream. Once finalized Trochtelfingen will display a more authentic look and shopping and strolling around in this scenic town with its half-timbered houses and cafés will be even more enjoyable.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Party time at casa Davis-Schoser in San Diego! 

Saturday, 21 June 2014

A Bavarian wedding

To 'go down the aisle' in Cham / Bavaria on 21 June:
Jessica (Schoser) and Manuel Hirmer

A Colorado wedding

Danielle Campana & Chance Schoser
21 June 2014 - Aurora, Colorado

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Back in the Cologne City Council

In today's election for the City Council of Cologne, Martin managed to regain his seat as one of the 90 Council members. After having gained a seat also in the two previous Council elections, he had given up his seat in 2010 in favour of a seat in the regional Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia as his party's rules of association exclude holding seats in both Parliaments at the same time.

Today, Martin obtained almost 36% of the votes in the Lindenthal I voting district corresponding to 4,698 votes. Compared to the results of the previous elections in 2009, Martin increased the number of votes by about 600, translating into a one percentage point increase in voting shares. He is ahead of his closest contender by about 13.5 percentage points, compared to 10.5 percentage points five years ago.

Friday, 16 May 2014

U15 volleyball champion

Mona Schoser (4th from right)
in the winning girls' U15 volleyball team of TSV Burladingen

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Hopi Black Dye sunflowers and Magdalena Big Cheese squash

Aztec sophomore and JROTC cadet Albert Schoser 
splits wood at the Aztec Ruins National Monument in Aztec.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Cinco de Mayo

made by Chance Schoser on 13 November 2012

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The beekeeper

Josef Schoser (far right) was among those who received the Badge
of Honour in Gold of the Baden Beekeepers Association for their
long-standing membership in the Meßkirch section of the association

Friday, 28 March 2014

Self-tracking on the air

Andreas Schoser interviewed for news programme 'Drehscheibe' on German TV channel ZDF on 28 March 2014

Friday, 21 March 2014


Alumbrado is Spanish and means 'lighted' or 'lighting'. It is also the name of Melina and Marcela Schoser's horse. Alumbrado is a gelding born in 1995 and serves Melina as show horse in show jumping events. Such an event took place from 21 to 23 March 2014 in the equestrian farm Laurent Eicherloh outside Munich 'surrounded by lushly grassland'. During the tournament, Milena started for riding club Markt Schwaben and took part in two different runs.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Certified to be professional

Medical director dr. Karin Schoser displays a certificate
confirming the quality of her stroke ward at Tuttlingen hospital.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Happy birthday!

Jubilarian Edith with husband Franz

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Ein Hobby mit Risiko

Die Sammelwut der amerikanischen NSA hat für einen Aufschrei gesorgt. Doch immer mehr Menschen sammeln ganz freiwillig Daten über sich selbst. Dabei ist „Self-Tracking“ ein riskantes Hobby.

Das Treffen ist im dritten Stock, doch bevor er den Aufzug-Knopf drückt, schaut Andreas Schoser auf sein Handy - und nimmt dann doch lieber die Treppe. „Mein Soll ist noch nicht erfüllt“, sagt Schoser. Er zählt sie nämlich, die Schritte, die er jeden Tag zurücklegt. Sein Handy sagt ihm, wie gut er sich schlägt. Seit kurzem ist Schoser ein sogenannter Self-Tracker, also jemand, der Daten über sich selbst sammelt.

Selbstvermessung - oder auf Englisch „Quantified Self“ - ist ein im Jahr 2007 in den USA entstandener Trend, der inzwischen nach Deutschland übergeschwappt ist. Es dreht sich alles um Zahlen und Statistiken zu einzelnen Menschen. Doch der Trend wirft gerade in Zeiten der NSA-Affäre Fragen nach der Sicherheit der Daten auf, die über Apps und Computerprogramme erfasst werden.